Adaptation of ‘Early Climate Change Disaster’ to the Northern Coast of Java Island Indonesia
In the last few decades, the tidal inundation and abrasion along northern coast of Java Indonesia have been grown very rapidly. These situations are far beyond the geological scale. These are way too fast. Time series of high resolution satellite image data shows very clearly the tidal inundation and abrasion existence. In the recent years in fact the tidal inundation is obviously going further deeper inland. Many of urban and other areas like farming area, fishpond, etc. have been suffered tidal inundation and becoming worse in times. First it was only few centimetres of inundation and come only at a high tide, but now it can be more than a half of meter and coming at regular tide, and even has comes permanently in certain places. Many of the area along northern coast of Java are also suffering abrasion due to frequently of bad weather with storm surge strike the coastal area. What is happening to the northern coast of Java Island Indonesia is one most clear pictures of ‘early climate change disaster’. Adaptation has been created against this ‘early climate change disaster’ such as build dykes, elevate the land, houses, infrastructures, etc. This paper will tell in details and comprehensively regarding adaptation of ‘early climate change disaster’ to the northern coast of Java Island Indonesia. This is one way to remain on what would happen in the future world wide as the global climate change consequences are finally coming. We have seen the news of the projection model of sinking of coastal cities in the world, vanishing Islands around the Pacific, etc. in the future.

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