An Analysis of Deductive-Query Processing Approaches for Logic Macroprograms in Wireless Sensor Networks
Logic programming, macroprogramming, query processing, wireless sensor networks.Abstract
Logic macroprogramming paradigms for wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are rule-based abstractions for programming a network as a whole. Programmers only focus on the main objective of the network rather than the low-level implementation details on each node. Therefore, the low-level details are automatically handled by underlying middleware of the paradigms. To be viable, the middleware must efficiently handle the underlying issues as well as effectively minimize energy consumption and communication overhead. Not surprisingly, one major underlying issue in logic macroprogramming systems is deductive-query processing. In this paper, we analyze the characteristics of deductive-query processing and identify what have been overlooked in those previous approaches. Furthermore, we overview, analyze, and compare several recent approaches for deductive-query processing of logic macroprograms in WSNs. Our analysis reveals several important aspects that should be considered when designing such systems.

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