Optimal Supplier Selection Model with Multiple Criteria: A Case Study in the Automotive Parts Industry
This research proposes a mathematical model for supplier selection for a case-study car seat manufacturer. This research is divided into 2 parts. The first part is the raw material supplier evaluation method using Analytic Hierarchy Process. This part weights the importance of main decision criteria and sub-decision criteria, complying with part makers’ satisfaction. The result from the first part is scores for each raw material supplier resulting from multiple evaluation criteria. The second part proposes a mathematical model for supplier selection using integer programming. The scores of each supplier from the first part will be considered along with raw material consumption to select the suitable raw material suppliers that maximize overall part makers’ satisfaction. The results from the first part of this research show that the most important criterion for supplier evaluation is cost, which is about 41%. Quality, Delivery, Service, and Risk factors are approximately 24%, 14%, 12% and 9%, respectively. The result from the second part shows that the model can effectively match material suppliers to part makers according to their preferences. Comparing with current situation, the satisfaction is increased by 26% with this proposed framework. It means the proposed model can help matching the right supplier to each part maker that can increase overall satisfactions for this case-study’s supply chain.

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