Development of Data Acquisition Technique for Inspection of Pipes in Vessel using Gamma Scanning Coupled with Computed Tomography
This study proposes the data acquisition technique for on-line inspection of the pipe installed inside closed vessels through a laboratory model. The technique was based on transmission of gamma radiation that projected onto the radiation detectors. Laboratory model composed of four vertical pipes with different size installed inside the top opened tank. The proposed acquisition technique allowed the scanning with a few number of detectors to complete the projection as stated in Computed Tomography algorithm. Projected data were computed and reconstructed using filtered back projection algorithm and displayed in two dimension image. The simulation using Monte Carlo for N-Particle computer code (MCNP) was presented in this paper based on theoretical algorithm to be regarded as a reference result. The comparison between experimental results and simulation result showed a good agreement to each other. This technique could be extended to inspect integrity structure of pipe in vessels in petroleum and petrochemical in field work.

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