Interpolation-based Off-line Robust MPC for Uncertain Polytopic Discrete-time Systems
Off-line robust MPC, linear interpolation, pre-computed state feedback gains.Abstract
In this paper, interpolation-based off-line robust MPC for uncertain polytopic discrete-time systems is presented. Instead of solving an on-line optimization problem at each sampling time to find a state feedback gain, a sequence of state feedback gains is pre-computed off-line in order to reduce the on-line computational time. At each sampling time, the real-time state feedback gain is calculated by linear interpolation between the pre-computed state feedback gains. Three interpolation techniques are proposed. In the first technique, the smallest ellipsoids containing the measured state are approximated and the corresponding real-time state feedback gain is calculated. In the second technique, the pre-computed state feedback gains are interpolated in order to get the largest possible real-time state feedback gain while robust stability is still guaranteed. In the last technique, the real-time state feedback gain is calculated by minimizing the violation of the constraints of the adjacent inner ellipsoids so the real-time state feedback gain calculated has to regulate the state from the current ellipsoids to the adjacent inner ellipsoids as fast as possible. As compared to on-line robust MPC, the proposed techniques can significantly reduce on-line computational time while the same level of control performance is still ensured.

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