Evaluation of The Effect of Abscissa Part on Seismic Response of Historical Masonry Church
abscissa, church, finite element model, Gümüş district, nonlinear analysis, urban identityAbstract
Church buildings, which are the worship buildings of the Christian faith, were built in different plan typologies in different regions. There are many church structures built in Anatolia during the Ottoman Period. During the population exchange period in 1924, Muslims settled in the settlement areas instead of the non-Muslim community in Anatolia. In this period, church buildings were converted into mosque structures due to the change in the religious belief of the people. These structures, which are used by cultures belonging to and which are components of urban identity, have gained a place in the memory of the citizens. For this reason, it is necessary to ensure sustainability by protecting it. Churches have been destroyed either completely or locally due to earthquakes that have occurred over time. In this study, it is aimed to examine the earthquake behavior of the structure used as the Maden Mosque in Amasya. The effects and causes of this structural element on the dynamic behavior of the church, whose apse was destroyed, were investigated and reinforcement suggestions were presented accordingly. The 3D finite element model of the church has been developed, and structural responses were investigated under linear and nonlinear dynamic loads. As a result of the analyses, it has been determined that the most critical parts of the structure are the nave and wall at the west facade.

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