A Comprehensive Review of Thermal Control of Moveable and Non-Moveable Spacecraft in Mars Sample Collecting Mission
Mars sample collecting mission, perseverance mission, sample retrieval lander, thermal control system, space explorationAbstract
Space exploration has been the focus of scientists for centuries. Among all the planets, Mars is the closest to our planet that has the potential of discovering traces of life signs. The planet has critical environmental conditions which are from either the planet itself or the Sun. Nowadays, there are several spacecrafts sent to Mars for specific purposes. One of the current missions is Sample Collecting Mission, which collects Mars samples and sends them back to Earth. A current rover for this mission, Perseverance, was launched by NASA with the main purpose of collecting samples on the planet for at least a two-year mission period. Sample Retrieval Lander will be operated within around six months for receiving the samples collected by the rover and sending them back to the Earth. Each spacecraft also needs different kinds of power sources and thermal management systems based on their mission objectives and periods. The overview and consideration points for selecting each source of power and thermal control are investigated and discussed based on our perspectives.

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