Quality Assurance through Process Improvement - A Concise Review
Statistical Process Control (SPC), Define-Measure-Analyse-Improve-Control (DMAIC) procedure, process capability, Critical to Quality (CTQ) characteristic, Quality Assurance (QA).Abstract
The past two decades has seen the realization of the manufacturing firms towards quality consciousness. The various firms worldwide employed the statistical tools for minimizing the deviations and subsequently the number of rejects of the manufactured parts. In this process, more prominence is laid on prevention of defects rather than detecting and rejecting the defect in the usual traditional end inspection quality check. This review paper witnesses the procedures involved in the improvement of the manufacturing process capability and focuses on achieving quality assurance through sustained improvement in the manufacturing process. The different methodologies for sustained improvement in manufacturing process across varied industrial sectors, are identified, discussed and presented. The nuances of enhanced product quality levels through process capability improvement work performed in varied areas of industrial manufacturing are also captured.

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